Let’s face it—you can’t do this all alone. And friends don’t let friends edit their own work.
Paige has experience with: developmental editing, content editing, proofreading, social media, marketing, email campaigns, and more. She is the former Deputy Editor for the independent publishing company, Alternating Current Press and has been contracted to work with clients such as Asymmetrical Press, Paleo Magazine, and more.
In her own writing, Paige specializes in genre and niche pieces, hybrid and abstract form, and lyrical writing. She also focuses on serving women, members of the LGBTQIA2+ community, and other underrepresented communities in making their voices heard.
What You Get When You Work with Paige:
Full editing service on grammar, pacing, plot, characterization, structure, and theme of the work
Tracked changes in Word.doc/Word.docx, Google doc, or Pages
One-page-sheet comprehensive thoughts of what worked and what didn't. Emphasis is placed on pacing, characterization, form on the page, diversity, diction, syntax, structure, and more.
Turn-around time on proofreading/editing projects larger than 1,000 words (or ten poems) is two weeks
Work is returned, after which Paige will schedule two follow-up sessions regarding edits, comments, and revisions made to the project. Follow-up sessions to occur within six months, via phone, email, Skype, or Google Hangouts.
How Much Is This Gonna Cost Me?
Project estimates vary based on word count and/or page count (for poetry and micro/flash fiction). Paige offers exceptional writing and editorial content for affordable rates.
She recognizes that your writing is important, and personal.
Past Editing Projects Include:
We Meant to Bring It Home Alive: poems, Armin Tolentino. Published 3.6.2018, Alternating Current Press
Eats of Eden, Tabitha Blankenbiller. Published 03.6.2018, Alternating Current Press
Second Acts in American Lives, Mel Bosworth and Ryan Ridge. Published 02.5.2018, Alternating Current Press
Dietary Health with REAL Food: A Practical Guide to an Anti-Inflammatory, Nutrient Dense Diet for IBS & Other Digestive Issues, 2nd Issue, Updated and Expanded, Aglaée Jacob M.S. R.D. Published 04.1.2018, Paleo Media Group
Contact Paige to discuss your next project: college essays, query letters, poetry chapbooks, resumes and cover letters, work emails, manuscripts, and anything in between.
Get in touch here.